Monday, November 01, 2004


You see them every day of the week - including Shabbos and Yom Tov, and at all times of the day and night... so begins a peon to Hatzolah of Crown Heights modestly titled: The Legendary Hatzalah Volunteers of Crown Heights

Read on, and you will see that the group promises care to anyone who is in need "regardless of religion or race." How interesting. Does this meansthat even Hamas sympathizers on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, and Satamar Hasidim of Williamsburg are free to call? (it's 718-387-1750 and if you are a devout Muslim and you do call, please send us photos of the looks on the faces of the Hatzalah volunteers).

And, while we're on the topic, wouldn't it be great if the Hatzolah-idea were to catch on? Imagine for a moment if every community had their own ambulance service. How great would it be if the Village has its own volunteer corps familiar with "hipster cultural nuances" to show up to handle tongue piercing-related infections and cases of alcohol poisoning? Or imagine a Park Avenue volunteer ambulance company that's familiar with Lalique crystal lacerations and real estate-induced exhaustion? (You try walking around a 3,000 square-foot, 10-room Park Avenue apartment.)

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