Irony slits its wrists.
Someone who works for president George W. Bush wrote an editorial that was published today under the president's name in the unbiased, non-partisian, perfectly balanced, Wall Street Journal.
It featured prominently the hot new meme: Only the Democrats can end the partisanship in Washington.
Everyone get that? After 6 years of being stonewalled in Congress by the meanest majority in American history it's now up to the Democrats to make peace in Washington. If they don't they won't be "cooperating" and "cooperating" is a very important part of good government.
The spin is in.
Bonus absurdities:
(1) W. argues that: ...wealth does not come from government. It comes from the hard work of America's workers, entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Wealth doesn't come from government? Ye gods. Someone tell the Vice President to return his Haliburton millions.
(2) And in conclusion, W says: "If the Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate."
Bills that are political statements? Unlike the pressing national priorities the GOP Congress dealt with last term?
Around the horn:
Doug Thompson says: Say what? Where the hell has this guy been for the last six years when Congress loaded up every spending bill it passed with massive pork barrel projects and sent the budget deficits to record levels? Oh, I forgot. That was a Republican Congress. Now that Democrats are in control, the President whose illegal war in Iraq sent the federal budget deep into the hole and the same President who sat on his butt while Congress spent itself into oblivion funding that war and handing out the pork suddenly wants fiscal responsibility?
About the president Dpoem says: [you are hoping to distract your] constituents with tax cuts in the hopes that they might overlook the fact that you misled them time and time again in making your case for a bungled war that would eventually cost the lives of more than three-thousand of your citizens.