Thursday, January 25, 2007

Honking Hypocrites Part II (More on Money People)

There are two seriously stupid things about the Clark flapdoodle. One, is the way GOP Jews are reacting. They are the ones who (rightly) insist that manufactured PC outrage is bad for America and for the free-flow of ideas. When that College professor was criticized a few years back for using the word niggardly the GOP Jews were among those who (correctly) protested that the word has nothing to do with black people. What they don't realize is that Clark's remark about the "money people" has more in common with the non-scandal about the word "niggardly" than it does with examples of geunine hate-speech.

And that's the second seriously stupid thing: "Money people" is not an anti-Jewish slur, expecially when it comes out of a politician's mouth. In politics, the big-givers are always called "money people" and I can prove it:

Washington Post
Friday, March 19, 2004; Page A06
Sen. John F. Kerry is setting the stage to raise as much as $100 million for his presidential campaign by seizing control of his party's fundraising machinery, winning the support of top money people for vanquished rivals, and attracting thousands of new small donors via the Internet, according to officials inside and outside his campaign

New York Observer
1/29/2007; Page 1
Hassan Nemazee is a very powerful Democratic fund-raiser. As one of the premiere money people in a pivotal check-writing town...

New York Times Columnist David Brooks
syndicated to the Kansas City Star
I dream the big-money people who seem to dominate our politics will put aside their partisan fury...

Game. Set. Match.