Acording to the official GOP-Jew handbook, General Clark's use of "money people" --an entirely innocuous phrase, used by all politicians to refer to big check-writers-- is proof positive that Clark and the Democrats hate Jews, Israel, bubbie and geffilte fish. Visit a shteeble or the corriders of any Orthodox Jew-centric institution and you'll hear the chatter: Clark... anti-Semite... money people... Democrats....
Let me ask you something: If all Democrats everywhere, living and dead, are tarred and tainted by Clark's innocent remark, what is the status of people who belong to George Bush's party?
Geroge Bush:
- Once said he planned to tell all Israeli Jews that they were going to hell.
- Told the Houston Post in 1993 that only those who "accept Jesus Christ" go to Heaven
- Has a great-grandfather (George Herbert Walker) and a grandfather (Prescott Bush) who were officers at a bank that was seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act, for financing Nazi Germany.