My thoughts on the latest bit of PC stupidity:
Last week, Arriana Huffington, asked Wesley Clark "what made him so sure that the United States is headed in the direction of attacking Iran. He replied: “You just have to read what’s in the Israeli press. The Jewish community is divided, but there is so much pressure being channeled from the New York money people to the office seekers.”
Predictably, the GOP Jews went nuts, many of them suddenly elevating this Tom-Vilsak level politician to a "Top Democrat" or "Party leader."
What's odd, though, is that the GOP Jews acting most offended by the suggestion that Jews are eager to attack Iran are themselves Jews who are eager to atack Iran. Furthermore, we can safely presume that if any of these pro-war Jews are "money people" (ie: the sort of people who donate large sums to political candidates) they are making contributions to office seekers who want the same thing.
So what, exactly, was Clark's sin?
FYI: I'm a Jew who thinks a properly planned and executed war against Iran might be necessary, largely for the reasons given by Benny Morris, another Jew who is ready to fight Iran.