Anyone catch the speech last night? I avoided it --mostly because it creeps me out watching president Bush try to sound out the words on his teleprompter. If you saw it, and have something clever to say, the thread is yours.
PS: I imagine those of you on the right are more interested in the faces Pelosi made in the background. If you like, tell us about it here.
Around the horn:
Via Atrios we see that Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann has a little crush on the president. Poor dear. Can't keep her hands to herself. Oh, and also she's nuts and married to an anti-gay preacher. Perhaps that explains her need to get physcial with the president. V'ha'mayvin ya'vin.
CCN Money and Bloomberg tell us the president's big new health insurance plan is mostly bogus. Like everything else this president proposes the plan will help the very rich most of all, while creating new costs for people who receive insurance from their employers. The plan is also likely to create extra burdens on people living in expensive areas like NYC. Still kudos to the chimp for finally, in year six of his administration, waking up to a gunuine domestic emergancy and for attemtping to address it, however ham handedly.
Jim Webb delivered the Majority Party's response to the speach (Eat it George Felix Allen) I caught a few seconds of that. Webb may be the ugliest person I've ever seen on television. How'd someone so homely get elected to high office?