Thursday, January 04, 2007

Save Two Lives

Shmarya writes:

As many of you know, Rick Hodes is a (Modern Orthodox) Jewish doctor who lives and works in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He heads the JDC's operations there and also serves as attending physician (without pay) at Sister Theresa's Orphanage. He's saved many lives and been written about extensively.

Dr. Rick does much of his work without pay. He begs for medicines and plane tickets, imports his own medicines, and relies on the kindness of others to help him succeed.

I propose that we, the readers of this blog and JBloggers in general, adopt Dr. Rick and raise some money to help him. $1400 will provide anti-cancer drugs for two children (he has 25 now waiting for treatment) and $400 will pay for one year of school for each of them. A total of $1800 will save two children.
To donate use the widgit below (and put it on your own site, too) and tell them DovBear sent you.