Monday, January 22, 2007


No, I'm not jumping on the Hillary bandwagon just yet, but not for the reasons you might expect. For instance, I don't care that she once kissed a terrorist's fat, powerless wife --and that shouldn't bother Republicans either.

Only a badly contorted pretzel of a GOP-Jew could object to Hillary's meaningless sapphic smooch while also beatifying Saint Ronnie of Hollywood, provider of dictators and anti-Semites with guns and money. By what calculus is arming Saddam Hussein less offensive then kissing Suhu? And if it is the same-sex display of affection that make you quesy, what about George Man-date Bush? He took a romantic walk with a top-ten dictator.

Instead, my reason for snubbing Hillary (for now) is this: Among GOP-Jews the conventinal wisdom is that Hillary = A, B, and C. I don't think any of that is true, but if she runs, I'll *need* to spend hours and hours beyn gavra l'gavra convincing people that what they think they know about Hillary is really nothing but Republican propoganda.

I don't wish to dedicate the next two years of my life to that particular battle.


*A note on *need* Yes, it's a compulsion and an obsession. Some people smoke. Some people stay at their desks until midnight. I run around exploding myths. Trust me. If Hilary stands for the Presidency, on a very basic, elemental and emotional level, I'll *need* to fight that battle, and I really don't want to.