Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Chutzpah Alert

Or, what goes around comes around.

When the GOP ran the House, they were a mean majority. Democrats had difficulty getting bills to the floor, for example, and there were other serious abuses of power. Frequently, the Democrats complained, and two years ago Nancy Pelosi circulated a letter asking for her colleagues to support "minority rights." According to my source this letter was ignored. Pelosi wasn't even given the courtesy of a reply.

The right has a way of playing the victim card. Even when the GOP controlled all three branches of government, we frequently heard about how the mean old liberals were secretly in control. What can we expect now that the Democrats really do have some power? This. It's a letter written by three House GOPers who are desperatly hoping that Democrat memories are short. It asks (you guessed it) for the Democrats to grant the House minority the same sort of rights they were systematically denied for 12 years. Not only that, it has the nerve to remind everyone about the Pelosi plan the GOP utterly, and imperiously, ignored! Money quote
This Bill of Rights is identical -in both letter and spirit- to a 2004 proposal made by then-Minority Leader Pelosi [!!!!]
Whammmmbulance jokes aside, I think the Dems should meet the GOP halfway. In the interest of fairness and good government the Democrats should grant the other parties the same privelages they were denied. And, in the interest of fairness, integrity, honesty and accuracy, the GOP should admit that for 12 years they behaved quite badly, indeed.

Oh, and the GOP should also be required to grovel. And simper. And beg. Just a little.
