Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bush: "DovBear et al were right!"

Well, now. According to the Boston Globe, the president has taped an interview for 60-Minutes in which he actually tells the truth: Money Quote
"I think history is going to look back [on the invasion of Iraq] and see a lot of ways we could have done things better," Bush said in [an] interview, which will air on "60 Minutes," the CBS program. Questioned about the instability in Iraq, Bush said: "Well, no question decisions have made things unstable."
This confession of mismangement at the highest level is a concession to the point of view advanced on this blog and others, by me and the majority of my commenters. We've known for at least three years that the president and his men had bungled the war. It's nice to see the president has finally caught up with us, Congress, and the majority of the American people. (Now, if only we could get a few hold-out Jewish bloggers to see things as they really are.)

Not incidently, this confession, this admission of error from the president, is a flip-flop. Previously, the now-contrite president has said, "I've made no mistakes"

Boston Globe: Bush says choices made after invasion eroded Iraq's security