Here's the subtext according to him:
The gedolei harabbonim in Eretz Yisroel (WE DON'T AGREE WITH THEM) have asked us to inform you that they feel that since the leadership of El Al is currently looking at whether Orthodox Jews are taking the current situation seriously (ie: THEY ARE CHECKING TO SEE IF THE GEDOLIM HAVE ANY CLOUT AND NOW THAT THE BOYCOTT IS ON, WE'RE ALL GOING TO LOOK WEAK AND STUPID IF IT FALLS APART) [therefore] flying El Al truly would be considered a chilul haShem (BECAUSE IF YOU IGNORE THE BOYCOTT AND FLY EL AL IT WILL BE MADE CLEAR THAT THE ISRAELI GEDOLIM ARE ELDERLY TZADIKIM SURROUNDED BY PROFITEERING LOW-LIVES WHO OFTEN GIVE THEM BAD ADVICE) and therefore there is no heter of hefsed merubah.
PS: In exchange for providing this information the Agudah janitor has asked for a positive post about his organization. I believe in making wishes come true. Look for it tomorrow (seriously.)