Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Something to keep in mind during the speech tonight

Tonight, when Skippy anounces his plan to send even more troops into Iraq, remember this:

George F. Will:
It is difficult to imagine how Iraq can end as a success—as an enterprise in which the benefits exceed the costs. And if it is judged a disaster, that will be because the responsible officials were too late in remembering what Gen. Douglas MacArthur said. He said that in war, all disasters can be explained by two words: 'too late.'

Because the administration was too late to recognize that there were too few U.S. forces in Iraq, the looting after the fall of Baghdad—which did more physical damage to Iraq than the war so far had done—shattered Iraqis' confidence in America, and insurgents were emboldened. Because the administration was too late in admitting that there was an insurgency, Iraq slid into civil war. Because the administration was too late in facing the fact of that civil war, it probably is too late for a 'surge' of new U.S. forces, of a size and duration that the American public will tolerate, to extinguish it."
George Will is a real conservative, and like the majority of the American people, he no longer approves of the President and he no longer supports the war.