Monday, July 20, 2009

Terrifying confluence of events alert

Lunatic RW bloggers are certain Obama has already announced and put into motion an evil anti Israel plan that involves the destruction of settlements and the internationalisation of Jerusalem. Their slightly more sane counterparts acknowledge this has not yet happened, but feel somewhat certain an evil anti-Israel Obama Plan will be announced "before the end of July."

This year Tisha B'av is July 30.

Now, the idea that every Jewish catastrophe occurred on Tisha Bav is a myth, as Josh Yuter successfully argued back in 2003. I don't think the day has any special power, and I also think the Obama Plan will be nothing but a retread of previous US peace plans. I doubt it will go beyond Bush Jr's Road Map, and I'm certain it won't include anything like the overt threats Bush Sr made in 1990. Still, I'm intrigued by the potential for a coincidence for the ages.

Play along with me, for a second. What if the terrified RW is correct? What if Obama actually does announce something evil and anti-Israel? And what if the announcement comes on Tisha B'av?

I'll mark it down as a coincidence, of course. But I suppose those who haven't read Yuter's article, and think Tisha B'av is the magic day for tragedy will be oddly reassured.

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