Wait, wait, wait. Hasn't Pastor Jerry Falwell, a fine Republican (recently mourned with all honors by the cross lovers at Cross Currents) already told us that the Antichrist is a Jewish male? Does this mean that in addition being a radical-Arab-Christan-secular-liberal-communist-Muslim, the president-elect is also Jewish? What a breathtaking bit of news!
Ye gods. Who's going to be more disappointed four years a from now? The liberals expecting Brack to bring utopia, or the nut jobs who think he's in league with the terrorists, and perhaps the devil, to destroy Israel, America, and All That Is Decent.
Money quote:
The people who believe Obama is the Antichrist are perhaps jumping to conclusions, but they're not nuts: "They are expressing a concern and a fear that is widely shared," Staver says.Ah, yes, "a concern and a fear the is widely shared", and therefore impossible to criticize. Mustn't insult the morons who believe in idiocy. That would be intolerant. [For the record: If you believe in the concept of an "Antichrist," you're already nuts.]
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