So Obama is Haman Harasha is he? High editorial standards as always Menken.
Update: In the comments Toby Katz misses the point as always:
Anonymous (Comment #9): I do not believe that Obama is a Muslim. I don’t believe he’s a believing Christian, either. He attended a racist, anti-Semitic, leftist, lunatic fringe church for twenty years because that’s what he had to do to be a successful black polician in Chicago. His Harvard friends know he is fundamentally secular. Liberals hate devout Christians but they have no fear of Obama, they know his “Christianity” is only skin deep. Literally, skin deep.
Correct Obama isn't a loony bible thumper. He's not going to declare Jesus Day in Texas. He's not going to tell people with a straight face that God chose him to fight the war in Iraq. And he isn't going to use the Bible as an excuse to bother and harras widows, orphans and homosexuals. In other words, that fact that his is a secular disposition is a point in his favor.
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