Thursday, November 13, 2008

Apocalypse Now! (unlike TFMs ™ © I'm NOT referring to BHOs innauguration)

By the Bray of Fundie

"If three men with their arms locked are walking down the street and the Satmar Rebbe is on one side and the Lubavitcher Rebbe is on the other side" the old Kharedi riddle begins "who's the man in the middle?" The wry answer: "Moshiakh".

Something may have flown under the radar that should get you more nervous than any broadside signed by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah that Moshiakhs advent is imminent. It happened yesterday on THIS blog.

To put new teeth on that old saw: If Dovbear links to a guest post by the ATFM (archetypal Fundie Moron) , yours truly, to support a point that the Bearman is making (see 2a) , a post that he initially introduced with the plaintive cry of: "Oh for the love of God and everything holy, when will it stop, still another guest post by the Bbbbbbbbray of Fundie" what must be right around the corner? Answer: The end of days.

DovBear--- inquiring and concerned cubbies need to know; Are you feeling OK?

--------- He has apparently taken ill. It may be a case of pikuakh nefesh so to speed his recovery Buy Dov's book. (please)