By the Bray of Fundie
Barak Obama's victory was historic on many levels. But on none more so than that it struck the final societal coup de grace, the makeh b'patish that demolishes notions of color based prejudices. It has sensitized us to the great truth that external, skin-deep differences do not, in fact, differentiate.
The greater question is, if we know that differences that meet the eye are immaterial and meaningless can we come to know that an apparent equality and lack-of-differences are equally immaterial and meaningless? If a black person and a white person are equal can a Jewish person and a gentile person, even of the same complexion, be essentially separate and unequal?
Where is the great inspirational charismatic leader, the One who will defiantly and optimistically declare: "Yes we differentiate"?
If you can't make havdala you can't make qiddush either.
Attention Qofrim and Havdala Oblivious Buy Dov's book. (please)