Monday, November 03, 2008

Dress Rehearsal for Tomorrow

By the Bray of Fundie

Vote. It's your privilege and your civic duty. You can practice now with this direct referendum:

Earlier today DovBear sanctimoniously and swiftly deleted a post of mine which, curiously, he let stand later as a comment. (Apparently bowing to the public pressure of equally liberal, but much cooler heads!) Not only did he remove it but he called it "cruel (and its something we don't allow here?!?!)", " advancing your racists agenda", "bordering on the obscene", "an expletive ", "Offensive to decency ", " ugly and offensive and in bad taste", akin to "hustler" and a "filthy little post"

The question I put before the public to vote on is this: As revealed in this post and it's excision am I a filthy, retrograde racist inviting mockery of blacks or is DovBear a hysterical thin-skinned paternalistic Uber-Liberal who, besides being humorless, apparently has low reading comprehension?

Not to worry Beary. I'm keeping a copy of this one in case you excise this filthy little post as well.---------

If you are already among those Jewish Philosopher wants busted then, by all means, Buy Dov's book. (please)