WCBS "NEWS": NYC's Hasidic Using Internet For Sexual Escape
I saw the broadcast last night, having been tricked into thinking it would actually be something of substance. My main objection was this: At every commercial break the heavily-coiffed anchorman said something like "Coming up next: Hasidic Jews who break their marriage vows."
Each time he said this, I felt like reaching through the screen and throttling him. Marriage vows? What marriage vows? I made no marriage vows. No Jew does. Vows are not part of the Jewish wedding ceremony. If a major news station is going to put together a whole big expose for the purpose of embarrassing a community and/or driving up ratings can't they do six seconds of elementary research first?
The big expose itself was mostly a bust. Two heavily disguised Jews confessed their own personal sins for the camera, and that was it This one cheated on his wife with an Internet harpie. That one met a nice man in a chat room. Rah rah. Big deal. You can find more about what really happens between Hasidic sex fiends reading blogs. And those of you ready to scream media bias can hold your tongues: The reporter went overboard emphasizing that most Jews are loyal to their spouses and wouldn't dream of screwing around on the side. By declaring that the two Hasidic swingers he found (no doubt via a routine Google search for Hasid + "have sex with me") the reporter undermined his entire report.... but at least he was honest about it
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