Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How stupid is Sarah Palin?

The scary thought bouncing around my brain is that she might not be that stupid at all. This week she gave an interview at a turkey farm, while a burly man with a big smile stood behind her slaughtering turkeys. Sounds clueless, and of course it tempting to write the whole thing off as as poor media planning, but maybe not... Conservative idiots seem to love it.

Some (like Moron Menken the Mendacious) are having loads of fun pretending the so-called liberal media gives a damn, and are having a gay old time hurling around invectives like "elitist" and "hypocrite." Others on the right just seem to get the warm and fuzzies when something dies, and are praising Palin for her indelicate non-PC behavior. The rest of them think "God had a purpose" for her doing the interview, and are planning to order extra double helpings of turkey this weekend just to piss off liberals.

You have to figure someone on the governor's staff expected this.

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