Tuesday, November 04, 2008


A guest post by JS:

First of all, I don't know why you're wasting your time reading this post if you haven't gone out to vote yet. So please, go out and vote. I promise DB won't erase this post in the interim and it will be right here waiting for you when you get back.

As someone who follows politics a bit too obsessively, I've been wondering how McCain has gotten so thoroughly trounced in every poll in the days leading up the election (and I believe will get trounced once the results start coming in).

A few possibilities:
1) Bush screwed things up for the GOP so badly that any Dem in a suit would have a good chance at winning.

2) The economy is terrible which skews to the Dems and, for better or worse, no one cares about Iraq or terrorism any more.

3) Sarah Palin.

4) The long drawn out fight in the primaries between Clinton and Obama helped Obama and the Dems instead of hurt them. It kept the Dems in the limelight while McCain was ignored.

5) McCain is an established politician and we've grown distrustful of entrenched, Washington insiders.

6) McCain is old. Obama is young.

7) McCain 2008 isn't McCain 2000.

I'm curious what people think of these ideas and if anyone has any other insights into why McCain has fared so poorly while Obama is soaring.

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