Torah codes predict, and warn about, Obama presidency
Basically, the "proof" goes like this: The gematriah of Barack Hussein Obama is 501. The gematriah of Rosh (head) is 501, and so is the gematriah of ישמעאלים (Ishmaelites). Per the authors of the article cited above, this is proof positive that our new president is (a) Muslim (*), and (b) God's choice.
But wait, it gets even crazier.
דצך עדש באחב (the mnemonic created by Rabbi Yehuda for the 10 plagues) ALSO has a gematriah of 501. If you're a lunatic who also hates Barack Obama this coincidence of numbers can mean only one thing, as the authors tell us: "Obama and radical Muslims will bring as much havoc, destruction, and confusion to the world as all the 10 plagues together brought to Egypt"(!)(!)
As Josh explains, this is insane. For instance: If you're using Barack's full name, you have to use McCain's full name, too, and guess what? The gematriah of his full name (יון סידני מקקאין) is also 501. So if you hated McCain instead of Obama, this could be used to "prove" that America dodged a bullet by selecting Obama. After all, John Sidney McCain=501! The numbers "prove" that McCain would have caused "as much havoc and confusion" as the plagues!
Moreover (Josh continues) the choice of the word Rosh to suggest God chose Obama is ad hoc: Nasi (president) would have been a better choice, and the Israeli word "prezeedent," a word often often used to refer to the American leader, has the same gematriah as John McCain.
In short, this stupid proof is a wonderful case-study on the malleability of gematriah. Approach it with an ounce of talent, and you can use the numbers to "prove" absolutely anything you like.
Idiots who thinks this "proof"' makes perfect sense
(*) From the article: "Not only is his name the same gematria as Yishmaelim, evidencing that he is a Muslim although he denies it" (!)(!) Why yes, of course. His own words and all the known facts must be brushed aside when you have numbers "evidencing" something else.
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