The tears of joy and disbelief, the looks of wonder and hope, on all those faces in that crowd -- particularly, for obvious reasons, the black faces -- were enough to offset the despair I felt the next morning on reading through the shamefully racist and abjectly ignorant comments posted by visitors to certain Orthodox websites.Those "shamefully racist and abjectly ignorant comments" can also be heard in our shuls, and in our schools.
My own little DovBearlings came home concerned that half of Israel will be deeded to the Arabs on Januray 20th. One told me that we need to move "because Obama and Hitler use the same words." Another worried about American concentration camps, and said he'd heard the lines for the passport office in Lakewood stretched around the block. This is stupidity, and its all too prevalent. I point the finger of blame at our educators, past and present, and tip my hat to Mr Maoz for his small push in the other direction.
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