Thursday, November 20, 2008

Media Bias

As part of our commitment to post good, solid comments denied for publication by Cross Currents, we give you this:

...and an even higher percentage "knew" that Palin said she could see Russia from her house, although she never said it.

She said, in her interview with Charlie Gibson, that "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska." This was part of her attempt to convince us that living in Alaska qualified her to decide matters of foreign policy, a claim legitimately and hysterically satirized by SNL - not something reported by the media..

Your other complaints about the media, and their practice of favoring one candidate over another, are transparently partisan. This time around Obama (arguably) was their hero, and Palin (but not McCain) was their victim. During the last two presidential campaigns the shoe was on the other foot. Both times Bush ran the media was fully in his corner. He was portrayed as a "regular guy" and he was permitted to run on character, not issues. Eight years ago the media convinced us that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet [untrue: he never said it, and the claim, anyway, tells us less about his suitability for office, than the Palin gaffe said about her.] Four years ago they told us John Kerry didn't deserve his war medals. [Also untrue: he qualified for them all]

I don't recall you getting quite this upset about those distortions that went in your favor, and I've never seen you acknowledge that the pendulum of media favor tends to swing both ways.
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