By the Bray of Fundie
(Dovbear's near identical twin)
This post was inspired by the post and thread here and, in particular by some comments Bear made.
Ya know Dovie-
In spite of the fact that you narrow your havdala consciousness to the difference between Bear and Bray the truth is we are more similar than you feel comfortable acknowledging.
You describe yourself as Orthodox and profess a belief in TMS. Yet you and I both know that science has crushed and destroyed every tenet of our faith. Prophecy is decidedly unscientific and any honest man of science who believed that Moshe was an actual historical figure rather than a mythological construct would, no doubt, conclude that he was hallucinatory and probably schizophrenic, bipolar and suffering from a Messianic complex.
Yet you cling to Orthodoxy in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. So the only difference between you and I is that I reject any and all scientific claims that contradict Torah tenets until such time as they can be satisfactorily resolved. Whereas you, perversely and in an attempt to have it both ways, pick and choose which of the scientific evidence compels you to say e.g. that the Ramban was wrong, and which pieces of evidence you refuse to entertain because they will shatter the edifice of your bare-bones faith.
This, in no small part, is why you are getting skewered for your inconsistency over at the sundry Orthopraxy posts.
And so dear Dovie, as much as you wish it were otherwise the differences that allegedly divide us are ones of degree, not of kind.---------
Those different enough from me as to resemble Dov you REALLY ought to Buy Dov's book. (please)