Monday, November 24, 2008

Smooth Stone Stupidity

The war on Obama's birth certificate continues to rage over at SmoothStone, where still another paranoid yet obsessively anti-Obama blog owner has turned Occam's razor on its head.

Recently, some high-ranking Kenyan told an American radio station Barak Obama's Kenyan birthplace is both "well known" and "already an attraction." Per the facts already in evidence this is impossible. We have Obama's birth certificate, and its been validated by Hawaiin officials; also no one suggests that that Obama's mother went abroad during the year he was born or conceived. Therefore, any Obama birthplace in Kenya must be a hoax. (and never mind the inherent absurdity of the accusation, as if a major party candidate for president would risk everything with a lie about his own status that could be uncovered with a simple check of state health records.) <- Snopes paraphrase)

But, instead of taking the parsimonious, evidence-based approach and concluding that the Kenyan bureaucrat misunderstood the question and/or misspoke, SS gets a little too happy and almost cartwheels across the page calling the Kenyan's statement an admission. Yes, yes. An admission, as in we've got you now Barak! Then, taking a page from the gematriya goons, he attempts to seal the deal with anti-Obama anagram. You almost have to feel a little sorry for the smoothstoner....