1) I see some Republicans are finally ready to admit what we sentient beings knew 10 years ago: Ken Starr was running a witch hunt. Speaking about TrooperGate, Palin's lawyer, said: "Our concern is that Hollis French [the Anchorage Democrat and former state prosecutor who is project director for the legislative investigation] turns into Ken Starr and uses public money to pursue a political vendetta rather than truly pursue an honest inquiry into an alleged ethics issue."
Quite a confession!
2) MoDowd: "It seems like a long time since Vice President Dan Quayle denounced Murphy Brown for having a baby out of wedlock, bemoaning a "poverty of values." It also seems like a long time -- and another McCain ago -- that Republicans supporting W. smeared the old John McCain by spreading rumors that he had fathered an illegitimate black child. "
Thanks to Bristol Palin, it's all good now, I guess.
3) AP's Tom Raum: "Many liberals are belittling the choice, suggesting that as a mother of five children — including an infant with Down syndrome — she has neither the time nor the experience to become vice president." First, "Many liberals?" Name one. Second, If Palin were a Democrat that's exactly what the RW Slime Machine would be saying.
(And just imagine the obscene gloating from your local shul-racists if it were Obama with the knocked-up 17-year-old daughter.)
4) If you're a believing Jew, you have to believe that Palin's church is worse than Obama's. On August 17, with Sarah in attendance, her pastor described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. (Though let me repeat what I said when the controversy over Wright exploded: If we Orthodox Jews were held responsible for the absurdities and barbarisms our Rabbis utter every shabbos not one of us could run for public office either.)