Agudas Yisroel was strongly against criminal background checks for school employees before they for were totaly for it.
Though I'm glad Agudas Yisroel saw the light, and changed its position, I object to the Stalin-like game the organization is playing with the facts. As TTC has pointed out to me, the Agudah is trying to deny history by employing useful dolts like the YeshivaWorldEditor to discredit anyone who remembers the truth about the past. Here's what happened (all via TTC):
April 2007 - Agudath Israel goes on the record opposing a plan to require permits for religious schools. The measures would have required the schools to "meet certain education standards among teachers, and conduct criminal background checks on their employees for the first time."
September 12, 2008 - As part of its coverage of the Twerski debacle, the Jewish Week reports that "Agudath Israel, an umbrella group of ultra-traditional Orthodox organizations, is opposed to both the mandated reporting and finger printing, and background check legislation."
September 14, 2008 - Avi Shafran (who famously punted on Kolko) enlists YeshivaWorldNews to issue a strident denial. (Of course, the lunatics who read that rag are pleased to hop on board with a chorus of insults for the Jewish Week.)
More important moments in the timeline can be found in the comments.