Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nasty, nasty (proto) bloggers

Some of our delicate friends believe blogging must be polite, deferential and kind. They insist on rules of decorum, rules that often exist only in their own too-proper minds, or they demand that the teachings of the Chofetz Chaim, a 20th century sage, be followed to the strictest letter. Alas, some of these delicate flowers are also raving hypocrites who cry about bloggers while speaking unkindly about heterodox Jews, Republicans or other politically correct punching bags. Some of these sweethearts have even denounced me from one side of their mouth while preaching poltiness from the other.

Anywho - with all due respect to the CC, we prefer to follow the sensible example of other, earlier, sages. Long time readers are aware of the small collection of obnoxious Ramban comments I've curated. To that I now add a very short list of Horribly Unkind Things that Rabeinu Shlomo ben Meir (aka Rashbam) Said About His Very Own Grandfather, Rabeinu Shimon ben Yitzchak (aka Rashi)

"He doesn't pay attention to the main issue"
On Gen 37:2 Rashbam thinks his grandfather has incorrectly explained Joepsh's "bad words"

"He has no idea how to interpet a verse"
The issue is the measining of Gen 49:9. Rashi connects it to the sale of Yosef. His grandson disagrees and follows up with an insult.

"He has absolutely no understanding of pshat"
Rashi connects Gen 49:16 with Shimshon. His grandson finds that laughable

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