Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vote for the next team of DovBear bloggers

From time to time, this blog morphs into a team effort, and I'd like the blog enter that phase once again. I'm looking for a few people to write and publish posts over the next several weeks, and perhaps indefinately (Rafi G., technically, is still a team member, though he hasn't published anything here in years)  

If you have opinions and a distinctive voice, you qualify. Successful applicants will be following in the footsteps of illustrious former team-members such as Godol Hador, Mis-Nagid, OrthoMom, Amshinover, TikunOlam, EFink, Shifra, Shira, Ezzie, CA, Lurker, S.M, Noyam, Naftuli,  and many others. Volunteers?

Or better yet: Nominations?

Who would you, the 3 -4 million or so people who stop by every day, like to hear from?

If you'd like to volunteer to guest post here, hit me on Facebook or send me an email.