Monday, May 06, 2013

A New Low in Modesty


A deeply disturbing video has come to light recently of two well known rabbinical wives. The fact they would both so brazenly disrespect their husbands and the Torah they stand for should be of grave concern to all Yarei Shomayim. Think of the lessons to be learned by the bachrim in each of their respective yeshivas, it's nothing but chilling.

This past summer, Reb Moshe Feinstein of MTJ visited Reb Yaakov Kaminetzky of YTV at the latter's summer camp. For some reason their wives came along, though they knew they were entering a boys only camp. These two women deliberately and brazenly walked around in clothing so far from the modesty that is expected of a holy Bas Yisroel that it boggles the mind.

 Skirts above the ankles!

 Sleeves above the wrist!
Light colored clothing!

The undersigned hereby place Mrs. Feinstein and Mrs. Kaminetzy in Cherim.

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