Now this is funny. As bluke reports, one of the honchos at the Lakewood Yeshiva is telling people that his school doesn't really insist that its student be Jews:
Moshe Gleiberman, vice president of administration at Beth Medrash Govoha, said... there is no "religious test" for admission, but it does have rigid education standards.Why the lie? Easy. The state of NJ has just awarded the yeshiva $10 million. Unfortunately, its illegal to provide public money to an organization that engages in discrimination. So if Lakewood wants to keep the money, they have only two choices: They can throw open their doors to women and non Jews, or they can pretend the doors are already wide open. They've chosen choice B.
And now let's say a word about the soul-numbing hypocrisy of one of our major rabbinic organizations. When a left-leaning Orthodox Jewish institution decided to create a new synagogue leadership position for women, the RCA lost its lunch. "They're deviating from our Mesorah," screamed the RCA from the rooftops. "This new position you've created is too similar to "Rabbi!" And women can't be Rabbis! So what you're doing is anti-Torah and must be protested!"
But when a right-leaning Orthodox Jewish institution scams the state of NJ out of $10 million dollars and then protects the scam with a transparent lie, what does the RCA say and do? This:
[ nothing ]
And I'll tell you something else. If the Ludmirer Moyde emerged today and if she was accepted by the Hasidim our day to the extent that she was accepted by the Hasidim of the 19th century you can bet the gutless wonders at the RCA would be too frightened to utter a single word of protest.