Saturday, May 04, 2013

Segulah power!

The following was one of the items in a women’s e-mail list. [Related to this]
There is an Egyptian living across the street from our house.

Feel free to come and do the Mitzvah of Lo SiSayv Mizri (known to be a segula for many things, including children, Arichus Yamim, finding a house,finding a shidduch.)

Please be careful when you come to have in mind that you are not despising the Egyptian for the sake of the Mitzvah because the Egyptian gets really annoyed when people stand on his lawn and dislikes it intensly when people holler "Hey! Egyptian! L'shem Mitzvah I don't despise you!" and you don't want to drive him away and miss the opportunity .

The mitzvah can be done by men, women, and children

 Search for more information about magical mitzvot