Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Everything you need for shavuot

What did we actually get at Sinai?
5/14/10: All time favorite post.

Demolishing dumb arguments (The mass revelation argument for the Torah's Historical Veracity)
2/20/06 Another post I'd put in the top 10

Facts and Myths
8/3/07 The first myth I address: "On Har Sinai Moshe received a copy of the Vilna Shas and the complete Mikraot Gedolot." Many others.

A Tale of Two Torah Revelations at Sinai
5/18/10 I really like this post. Discusses how the various midrashim about matan torah aren't reconcilable.

Was the mountain held over their heads?
2/18/09 What the midrash means

The Emptiness of Ruth and Naomi
6/10/11 Literary

The inside-out betrothal scene in Ruth
6/2/11 Literary

The mystery of Boaz's... um... turnip
6/7/11 What is the meaning of Vayilafes?** — Rav said: His flesh became [as hard] as turnip heads [ie a "lefes".

How modest was Ruth?
6/07/11 From the very beginning its been the habit of Jewish commenters to project ideas onto scripture. 

Preposterous Pentecostal Parlor Games
5/23/12 If you're the parent of small, haredi-educated children you're likely to be told about one or both of these silly numerical coincidences over the upcoming holiday weekend. As a service to you, my dear freeloading reader, I've provide appropriate rejoinders

What does a woman do with Shavuos?
From 2006. Gil asked what a "traditional" woman does with Shavuot, and I answered. Irreverently

Fulfilling the requirement to eat meat on the dairy holiday
From June 2008. Along with discussing the so called meat requirement, I get into male vs female roles

Stuff my five year old knows that Chazal did not
Eg: He knows when the Torah was given.

Rashi's difficulty with or ignorance of a particular Midrash on Megilas Rus
Like he didn't even know it existed

Israeli Rabinate Rules Moshiach ben Dovid isn't Jewish
How could he be? "Ruth the Moabite did not go to the mikva. She did not accept upon herself all 613 mitzvot and the accompanying chumrot of the high court. She behaved in a licentious manner with a local farmer named Boaz, and was known to walk around the fields with various body parts uncovered, including her hair.

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