Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Trump, evangelicals and the embassy

Why didn't superJew lover Donald Trump ask a Jew to deliver the opening or closing blessing at the embassy dedication? 

Aren't there any Rabbis in Israel? 

Instead he selected two of the lowest, most despicable forms of evengelical life to invoke God's name at this historic moment. To kick things off we had the idiot who thinks Jews are all hell bound and to wrap up the party we had the idiot who sees Hitler as a divine agent. 

If you're wearing blue and white underwear you're unlikely to care. After all moving the embassy is what matters, right? Sure, but the choice of preachers drives home the point that the decision to change embassy zip codes was not made because Trump loves Jews or cares about Israel or God. It was made because this vulgar, immoral, adultering, non Christian, criminal wants evengelical Christians votes.

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