Monday, August 04, 2014

Obama goes on the record yet again, and gets lots of Bibi love

 Search for more information about how I am right and the Obama haters are wrong

And here's Bibi agreeing with me and disagreeing with all the dumb Obama bashers

“Well, first, let me make a general statement about our relationship with the United States. I think the United States has been terrific. I think it’s offered terrific support for Israel from the level of Ambassador Dan Shapiro.
“I’ve always said he’s a great ambassador, I say it again today. The just untiring efforts of Secretary [John] Kerry with whom I speak several times a day in trying to help Israel and the efforts of President [Barack] Obama who has made, I think, consistent statements about Israel’s right to defend itself, his statement yesterday against Hamas, his unequivocal stand with Israel on our right to defend ourselves against tunnels, against rockets and all the other terror instruments that Hamas is leveling at us.
“The United States has given us tremendous support, material support with Iron Dome, not only the one that we received, but now both houses of Congress with the support of the Administration have agreed to the request that I made for an additional $225 million for additional Iron Dome protection. That is a lot of support and we deeply appreciate it, and that is the substance of our relationship.
“That’s the tone of our relationship, which gets to the question of these reports that are not only of my conversation with Ambassador Shapiro but also with the President that are full of incorrections, (sic) full of distortions and are wrong both in tone and in substance.
“The right tone, the right substance is the support that we are getting as we speak from the United States of America, and I appreciate it deeply.”