Monday, April 15, 2013

What are the mainstream midrashim?

I'm trying to compile a list of famous midrashim. Those that qualify will be the sort of midrashim that we learn in school and, as a result, tend to view as historical events or mainstream interpretation of the verses.

Some examples:

God looked in the Torah and created the world
Abraham survived being cast into a furnace
Abraham hid Sarah in a box during the journey to Egypt
Og was the refugee who told Abraham that his wife was captured.
Elimelch and the Plishtim were afflicted with constipation
The servant who found Rivka was Eliezer.
The water rose to meet Rivka
Isaac was 37 at the Akeida, and 40 when he married 3 year old Rivka
When Joseph and Benjamin were reunited each brother cried over the destruction of a Temple that would one day stand in his brother's territory
The daughter of Pharoh's arm stretched out supernaturally
During a trial, and angel intervened forcing Moshe to eat coal.

What are some of the others? Please supply your list!

I hope to trace each of these teachings and determine how they orignated and what they were meant to accomplish while also documenting other points of view on the same issue.

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