This report comes to us via YWN on its zero hits-per-month website:
YWN EXCLUSIVE: In light of the recent developments against Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel, a massive Yom Tefilla is being scheduled for New York City.......Sources tell YWN that the event is currently being planned, and organizers are in the process of securing a permit to hold the Yom Tefilla in Lower Manhattan........Gedolim in America would like to create awareness among Frum Yidden in America about the unfolding situation in Eretz Yisroel, where most of the funding for Mosdos Hatorah will be cut by the Government, as well as the possibility of Yeshiva Bochrim being drafted to the Army.
Let me get this straight, the Gedolei America want to raise awareness among frum Juden in this country, so they will disturb, bother, inconvenience, aggravate, and agitate the many tens of thousands of people who live, work, tour and drive through that area? Am I missing something? (Why don't they do it on Avenue J or 13th Avenue?)
Not only will this not raise awareness, since all the frum Jidz will know about it already by virtue of them having read about it in the Yated, heard about it from their victim rabbis and spoken about it over kugel, it will actually be the platform for the Next Great Chillul Hashem aka all of us will once again be embarrassed by our thoughtless Chradei bretheren.
Imagine the headlines, countless articles, on Gothamist, Gawker, NY1 News, and all local TV reports: "Local people who sit in plastic bags to protest Jewish Israel's interest in having them get jobs or participate in the country or contribute to the economy or learn a trade or learn math." The story is going to play like this to the casual reader: Israeli ultra Orthodox Jews take and take and take and dont contribute a penny back and they aren't satisfied with all the free stuff they get they also want more power so they can get more free stuff and take stuff away from other non Ultra Orthodox, and also they want other Jews to protect them from terrorists but if that Jews asks them to do some office work for the IDF that Jew is now the the terrorist. And all the American Jews who are your neighbors and who you sit next to on the train and who you buy your bagels from, they agree with this.
This doesn't play well in realty, it doesn't play well in our Jewish blogosphere, it will play horribly in the greater media.
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