Monday, April 22, 2013

Men who read minds

Why does the creator of Cross Currents have nothing but disdain for women who wish to pray at the Western Wall wearing talitot? Because he can see into their souls and perceive their true intentions, of course!. As he wrote in this less than ingenious appeal to indirect consequences: quite naive to imagine that these women simply want to wear a Tallis... Anat Hoffman has a clear agenda to use the Women of the Wall to change the Kotel from permanent place of prayer to a “national monument,” and from there to change how conversion, marriage and divorce are conducted in the Jewish state.  
Amazing! Such a gift. Such a talent. From a distance of perhaps 5000 miles he can discern exactly why women do things. Perhaps because they are so simple minded, am I right? And not only that, but he can tell the future! Permit women to pray in a manner allowed by Jewish law and compel Haredi zealots to stop responding to them with violence and insults and Israel's rules for conversion, marriage and divorce will instantly come undone. That saliva Haredi men expectorate in the direction of worshipful women is the only thing protecting the Jewish character of the state. Why didn't I see this before?

One wonders if  he has attempted to cast his all-seeing eye on men who wish to do new things and take on new obligations Should he address his clairvoyance at men, we expect him to find nothing but pure motives, of course, but when he's done reporting on that adventure, perhaps he can explain something else: Why is Anat Hoffman's secret agenda  thought to be shared by every single women in the world who wishes to pray at the wall in a manner Jewish law calls permitted? If he's right about Hoffman, why isn't she the only woman he wishes to ban?