Last night Grand Rabbi Savage did another segment on metzizah b'peh. After listening to a few minutes of it, I found myself unable to decide who was the bigger idiot: Savage or the members of the mbp fan club who kept calling in to defend their hideous practice
Why Savage is an Idiot
He kept saying "Show me in the bible where it says an old man has to suck the blood from an infant's penis. Show me the verse." A statement such as this displays profound ignorance of Jewish law, culture and tradition. Now, I don't expect Savage to be an expert on Rabbinics but at the the very least he should be able to make the following deduction:
A: No bible verse requires mbp (true)
B: Jews know what the bible says (true)
C: Jews take mbp very seriously (true)
D: Jewish devotion to mbp is not based on a bible verse. (true)
The fact that he can't figure this out is why is in an idiot.
Why the mbp Fanboys are Idiots
You can't defend mbp on its own merits. The practice is hideous. It provides no health benefits. The spiritual benefits it allegedly provides are intangible and can't be discussed without engaging in all sorts of logical fallacies. All an mbp defender can say is this: "We've done it for thousands of years. For this reason alone the practice carries a great deal of historical and cultural significance. We're sorry that you find it hideous, but we don't. Chalk that up to culture and upbringing. So until someone demonstrates conclusively that mbp is more dangerous to infants than, say, riding a crowded bus during flu season, we're going to keep doing it. We respect your right to dislike it and no one is asking you to try it."
The fact that the fanboys instead try to convince Savage that mbp is not only mandated by God but the safest, most beautiful thing anyone can do is why they are idiots.
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