Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Notes on the war

Israel expands Lebanon ground war

The Midrash Raba says: Anyone who says God is not particular with his pious ones deserves to have his inwards torn out. The forbearance of God grants long credit, but the debt needs to be paid in the end. Jacob caused Esav to shed one tear, and that was repaid in Shushan when Esav's decendant caused Jacob's decendant to cry with a 'loud bitter cry."

I agree that Hezbollah needs to be destroyed. I support Israel's right to defend itself.This war is entirely Hezbollah's fault. Israel must not tolerate attacks on it's towns and cities. And so on. But God help us all if the brothers and the sisters of the non-militants who are being killed come together one day to create something even worse than Hezbollah.

I don't know the answer. I don't know how to wage a war without creating collateral damage. But I do know what the midrash says, and I know the history of the region. Again, and again, I must return to last week's rashi: Do not provoke them.

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