Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Tuition Crisis

The jokers at Agudas Yisroel and the OU have their own plan for solving the so-called "tuition" crisis - in NY at least. They want us to support an act of legislation that will provide a tax credit to corporations and individuals who make donations to approved scholarship funds.

They are so naive.

Though it's true that this bill, if enacted, would significantly encourage private sector contributions to scholarship funds, how can we be sure the schools will use the new funds to lower tuition? The answer is we can't.

The schools won't lower tuition, and they'll still require you to do a song and a dance to qualify for a scholarship, so what exactly will the OU and the Aguda have accomplished? Richer school owners? Shkoyach.

Meanwhile, Airtime thinks we ought to post something like this in every ezras nashim.