The local radio station switched formats, and now plays "holiday music" all the live-long-day. Shrewd insiders understand, of course, that "Holiday Music" is a straight-faced lie. We get 7 hours of Chrsitmas songs for every 30 seconds of Adam Sandler; meanwhile the honchos at the radio station secure obscene holiday bonuses for themselves by listing "celebrated diversity" among their acomplishments for the year.
Because my tastes matter to you, let me tell you how I feel about Sandler's Hanukah Song. I like it. People who don't are a mystery to me. A silly little holiday like Hanukah, deserves a silly little song. Save the brilliance for Yom Kippur. Anyway, whenever I hear the opening lyrics ("When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree here's a list of people who are Jewish, just like you and me.") this heardened heart of mine beats with Jewish pride.
I love the fact that Jews are heavily represented in all walks of American life. Do you know the word for people who fret about this? It is: Anti-Semite.