Also, here's a comment he left with Miriam:
The waves [ie: complaints about the practices in Portsville ] are small because certain pockets are very deep, and many Orthodox bloggers feed off them, either directly through employment by the OU, etc., or indirectly through rabbis and friends who do. Also, Rubashkin is a Chabadnik and he supports many Chabad institutions. Most Orthodox "pulpit rabbis" in America (outside of NY and Baltimore) are Chabadniks. The Crown Heights Beit Din also supervises the shechita in Postville. Add to that the fact that vast majority of non-Orthodox Jews do not keep kosher and that a large section of the J-Blogisphere is not Orthodox.Excellent points Shmarya, but would you be quite this animated if a quiet family of Yekkis from Washington Heights owned the Portsville abattoir?
And then add one more thing – Agudath Israel and Nathan Lewin both compared PETA to the Nazis. If you have not seen the video (and most are too squeamish to watch it), the idea that PETA is antisemetic (which it is not) is enough to keep many people quiet.
But mostly, follow the money. That's where you'll find your answer.