Scooby, a sharp-eyed reader from the "great place where I live" wishes to remind the readership that Jews eat fried donuts on Chanuka, along with lighting candles and singing songs.
And now that I am back on the subject, let me add, that I really hate that "I Have a Little Dreidal (I Made It Out of Clay)" is thought to be the Jews number one religious ditty of all time. Some Catholics I know (Yes! DovBear consorts with Catholics! And Muslims! Hide your daughters!) carry on as if it's Kol Nidrai, Silent Night, and the Star Spangled Banner all rolled up into one.
And as for the whole eight nights of presents jive, I've been inside Catholics homes. I've seen the obscene stacks of present piled under those tarted-up evergreens they lug into their living rooms. If they weren't so damn impatient, they could spread it out for 8 WEEKS of presents.