Saturday, December 04, 2004


Well, millions, actually, but we like alliteration.

The Times says Bush is leaning on his heavy hitters for $40 million to pay for the Second Innagural?!?! $40 million!!

One wonders if President Bush has it in him to understand that an extravagant inaugural celebration is not appropriate. There is a war on. American soldiers are dying. And, a large percentage of the population is suffering deprivation - worse now that winter is approaching.

Couldn't Prez scale things down? Or ask his money men to give some of that swag to the poor and hungry? If he did, some of us might not smirk the next time he calls himself a "compassionate conservative."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo, and stated so well. The simple truth stands out when we watch the words the politicians speak and the actions they take!