Tuesday, October 04, 2011

A clarification from Rabbi Malinowitz regarding his Orot emails

A clarification from Rabbi Malinowitz regarding the previous email exchange regarding the petition supporting OROT

(Taken from Rafi's Life in Israel)

In my e-mail exchange with C, I made mention of those who are "joyful" at what is happening at Orot, since it helps them further an anti-Chareidi agenda.(That point was not necessary for me to have made in order to have refused to sign the petition that I was asked to sign,since the reasoning there was  predicated on my opinion that the very demand to sign a petition furthers  and validates the canard --which C indeed explicitely writes--that the Chareidi world is responsible for an avirah in which this can happen)

I did not make clear that that point --the joy, the glee, at being able to score political points--refered only to certain political leaders, not chas veshalom to your average, regular, man-in-the-street, which is BH 98% of the olom protesting what is going on at Orot. I certainly regret that I did not make that clear. I would never say that, nor do I think it is so, about the hamohn ahm.

(In fact, I am fond of saying that there really is tremendous unity and achdus in  k'llal Yisrael---if only the leaders --almost all leaders----would get out of the way! My proof---think back to any story, any chessed opportunity, any caring, any sharing, where no 'leadership' was involved: everybody is pleasantly surprised at the unity shown!)

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