... for either Cross Currents or Yeshiva World to report that Yisroel Valis was convicted of manslaughter.
In 2006, Yisroel Valis was arrested for killing his 3-month old on evidence collected by Jerusalem's Medical Examiner. His community, the staunchly anti-Zionist and hostile-to-the-state Edah Haredit, answered the arrest with three days of rioting, and the obnoxious claim that the Israeli police had fabricated a "Pessah-eve blood libel identical to those concocted by the Europeans against the Jews."
Buying into this absurd claim was Yaakov Mencken of Cross Currents, who published post after post attacking the credibility of the police. As I complained at the time
In 2006, Yisroel Valis was arrested for killing his 3-month old on evidence collected by Jerusalem's Medical Examiner. His community, the staunchly anti-Zionist and hostile-to-the-state Edah Haredit, answered the arrest with three days of rioting, and the obnoxious claim that the Israeli police had fabricated a "Pessah-eve blood libel identical to those concocted by the Europeans against the Jews."
Buying into this absurd claim was Yaakov Mencken of Cross Currents, who published post after post attacking the credibility of the police. As I complained at the time
What I can not abide, however, is the attempt by some, Yaakov Menken included, to undermine the credibility of the police. The authorities have no reason to lie. Only Al Sharpton-types see bias under every badge. The responsible way to defend someone who is facing a mountain of evidence like the one assembled against Valis is to suggest that the evidence has been interpreted incorrectly, not to argue, (based on hearsay, lies and paranoia) that the police manufactured the evidence, and lied on official reports.Related Posts
Does Yisroel Valis deserve the benefit of the doubt? Certainly. But so do the police (also Jews, after all) and so do the Jews of Hollywood. Yaakov, and his endless drone about judging people favorably, would be much easier to take if Yaakov had ever once applied that principle to Jews less religious than he