Ramapo gives new Orthodox Jewish cop the Sabbath days off pending review
Last week, Ramapo's police department was in the news after a police officer ordered a Hasidic woman to remove her wig for a mug shot. The Hasidim said the order was insensitive. The police said it was procedure. The Town Supervisor, who can follow the money as well as anyone, apologized to the Hasidim and ordered sensitivity training.
Now, the same police department is back in the same news - this time for hiring a Hasidic police officer. She is Baile Glauber, amazingly a graduate of the Hasidic school system. Because she wants shabbos off, the scandal dance described above is being performed again, this time with the police union playing the role of the aggrieved hasidim. The union says giving weekends off to a new recruit like Glauber is unfair to senior officers. The department insists its procedure, and the supervisor, naturally, is apologizing.. The only one in this affair with any guts is Glauber: Can you imagine what it takes for a Hasidic woman to become a cop? Not easy. Not easy at all.