…Now Buy these Sneakers and Soft Drinks
A Guest post by the semi-refrocked Bray of Fundie
According to branding expert Howard Bragman slugger and swordsman Alex Rodriguez is still squeaky clean in the eyes of his corporate sponsors.
After all he is innocent of dog fighting, the sin that cost the quarterback Michael Vick's $9 million in sponsorships from Nike, Reebok, Rawlings and Upper Deck.
But bedding strippers and late-night engagements with Madonna? That won't bother A-Rod sponsors like Nike, Pepsi or Topps, because "We just don't hold affairs against people anymore."
While both adultery and cruelties to animals are wrong. I, for one, hold the former to be far more immoral than the latter. It must me my old “magical thinking”. You see, I’m convinced that humans are created “in the image of G-d” and that human souls are a “bit of G-d on High”. The emotional torture inflicted on a spouse by an adulterous affair is qualitatively far more heinous than any pain inflicted on an animal. But hey that’s just me.